Thursday, June 12, 2014

Techniques And How to Play Basketball

before I've been publishing this blog in Indonesian and now I publish in English on technique and how to play basketball
before that I introduce my first
I dimas muhamad eko. I just sat in junior hight school
I really like basketball. The school I attended extracurricular basketball
hopefully usefull information below for your
Who does not know this one sports, basketball is the sport of the ages, the father or the mother of our first well may have been members of his team, in the game of basketball And Techniques Of Having How to Play Basketball. Well Before know how, we must recognize that one game due to this.
Ways And Techniques Playing basketball
Popular basketball game since 1891 by a man named Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian nationality, inadvertently creating a game, which put the ball in the basket, consists of 5 players, and 5 main opponent. in field size mx 28.65 m 15:24 in international rules, How memengang Basketball basketball .... memengang should, stable, balanced and full mastery, get used to always hold the ball for sure and always in control the ball, to know more about basketball size is 28 X 15 cm, and weighing about 450-500 gm .... well after we know the shape, weight and size of the ball we must also consider how to hold the ball. When the ball is in our hands and really feel we know what to do after holding bola.Tekhnik Playing Basketball Association:
techniques play basketball
1. Dribel ball, meaning we dribble the ball with his hands, well that is used to obtain the movement perfectly dribble the ball the way we reflect with fingers, use the palm of the hand is also on the fingers, and the corresponding motion of a ball point, speed is also appropriate reflection with encouragement that we do, if we push too hard then bounce back too quickly, otherwise if Pantukan slowly then speed will be reduced. Unatuk anticipate or slow rebound from the harsh urge our fingers earlier, we can only hold the ball without having to push it again.

2. Pivot, this one movement is the basis of playing basketball, the position of the ball is still in the hands (keep the ball) of the opponent, using body movements, rotation of the legs or body can be rotated up to 360 degrees, for not only foot shift . because one leg as a footstool, or shaft, if both legs are equally moving there will be pelenggaran.

3. Shooting, or shot, or one uses the same two hands, point the ball straight parallel to the ring with one hand propped on the ball lifted above the ears aligned with shoulders and one hand as to balance, to throw the results semurna use your fingers to push the ball . indeed for beginners will feel heavy and difficult to move the ball but the result will be maximum.
techniques play basketball
4. Lay ups, or can be called a shot with drift, with the last three-step technique, can be right-or left-left-right-left-right, to the position of the feet.

5. Fade Away, also called teknikyang pushed rearward weight while doing the shoot, making it difficult for a defender to block the ball.

6.Hook is a technique in playing basketball with men shooting the ball with the body flung backward, this method is very effective when the guard berpostur higher than the holder of the ball.
techniques play basketball

7. Jump Shoot, is a technique of firing the ball into the ring, with a leap, leap higher, the better.

8. Slamdunk, as did the world of basketball cartoon character Hanamichi Sakuragi, who famous the way the ball dipped into the ring and ends with blows of a strong hand, this is great if a player has a high ideal basketball player, who berpostur 180 kuarang over and above the easy to perform technique holiday.The position and function of the Players:

1. Forward or striker is in line in front of two players, tasked to attack and pecetak point '
2. Guard, two players were behind and generally parallel to the forward.
3. Center, one player at the center, with a higher posture, to block or rebound the ball or sebaga cover, for the team.
4. The Play maker, ball divider.
How to Play Basketball And above technique is the basis for the beginner player or as an additive material before you make a practice of playing, hopefully helping ..

this name of my facebook: dimas muhamad
and this of name twitter    : @dimasmuhamad32

thank you for seeing this blog

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